If you have been sued by, or received a collections letter from Crown Asset Management , Kazerouni Law Group is here to help. We have helped tens of thousands of Californians with their debt issues, and want to meet with you, free of charge, to discuss your options.
If you've been served with a lawsuit from Crown Asset Management , it is extremely important you do not default or ignore the summons. The collector can have wages garnished, bank accounts levied, and liens filed against your car or home.
Do not let this happen to you.
Unrepresented defendants may lose. Don’t be one of those people. Call us for a free consultation. An actual attorney from our office will talk with you immediately or on the next business day. Whether you owe the debt or not, you may have legal defenses. It is Plaintiff’s job to prove that you owe the money, and sometimes they have a hard time doing so. Even if you think that you owe the money, or do not want to go through the litigation process, we often have success negotiating favorable reductions and payment plans, and can usually do so before going to court.
We can negotiate the debt for 10% of the debt or $850.00, whichever is greater. If you would like us to assert legal defenses and fight the lawsuit in court, our fee is still very low. The most we charge to defend you is 10% of the debt or $850.00, whichever is greater, plus court filing fees. We are happy to work out a payment arrangement with you. Further If the creditor has failed to follow the laws regarding debt collection, we may able to defend you at no cost to you or possibly recover damages for you. However, we can only help you if you contact us.
If you have been sued by Crown Asset Management, please fill out our 1-minute evaluation form to the right, and one of our debt experts will get in touch with you to schedule your free consultation.