New California Privacy Law: CCPA

New California Law Gives Control Of Personal Information Back To Consumers

The CCPA: A Needed New Protection For California Consumers As of January 1st, 2020, California consumers have a powerful new tool to help protect their privacy- the California Consumer Protection Act. Under this new statute, Californians will be able find out exactly what personal information companies have compiled about them, and sue them if that information is stored incorrectly or leaked. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a comprehensive new consumer protection law set to take effect on January 1, 2020 that offers new protections for the personal data of Californians. The CCPA introduces new privacy rights for Californians, such as the right to know what personal information a business has collected about them and the details on how the business uses and discloses the data. Kazerouni Law Group, along with the law firms of Blood Hurst & O’Reardon, LLP and Robinson Calcagnie, Inc, helped draft this groundbreaking new statute, which gives Californians a much needed right of action to defend their privacy. The CCPA gives every Californian the right to demand a full accounting of the information a company has compiled about them, as well as full transparency as to any third parties whom that company may be sharing that data with. In addition, the California law allows consumers to sue companies if the privacy guidelines are violated, even if there is no breach. What Does This Mean For Me? Any company that serves Californian consumers and has annual revenues of $25 million or more must comply with the CCPA. Also, the CCPA regulates any company that keeps personal data on at least 50,000 people, as well as those that collect more than half of their revenues from the sale of personal data. Companies don't have to be based in California or have a physical presence there to fall under the CCPA. If you believe you have a claim under CCPA, or that your data has been illegally stored or breached, contact the experts at Kazerouni Law Group today.