California Debtors: Know Your Rights!

Debtors: Know Your Rights


Feel like you’re all alone against harassing debt collectors? Do you feel like you’re being hunted by your creditors? Tired of the non-stop letters, rude phone calls, and feeling like you’re trapped by your debt? Are you being sued on a personal debt? 1 in 3 adults in America have debt in collections! Just because you’re behind in paying your bills, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have rights. Owing money does not mean collectors can treat you like a criminal! Click Here For A Free Consultation Many of these rights are incorporated in something called the FDCPA, or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you have experienced one of the following common FDCPA violations, then you may be able to sue a debt collector and make them pay you! A debt collector or creditor may not:
  • Contact you before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.
  • Contact you at work after you’ve told them you cannot take calls there
  • Contact you after you’ve asked them to stop (call us for more details)
  • Contact or speak to others about your debt (except your spouse)
  • Contact you to collect an invalid debt
  • Threaten you with violence, harm, or arrest
  • Use obscenities, profane or abusive language, or shout or scream at you
  • Call repeatedly to annoy or harass
  • Make any false statements about your debt, including the amount owed or who it is owed to
  • Threaten to take any legal action against you that they cannot legally take or intend to do – including filing a lawsuit, seizing or putting liens against your property, or garnishing your wages (a debt collector must first sue you and obtain a judgment from the court before they can do these things)
  • Report or give false credit information about you
Kazerouni Law Group has helped thousands of Californians who feel trapped by their debt. By advocating for consumers like you on a wide range of issues, we’ve recovered over $750 million for our clients nationwide. The best part is that Kazerouni Law Group, APC will sue a debt collector at no cost to you – you will not pay a penny out of pocket! If you have experienced any of the above violations within the last year, then you may have a FDCPA case. You can fight back, and we can show you how! The above consists of Attorney Advertising, and should not be taken as legal advice.